
April Jones Prince


April Jones Prince created her first book, The Adventures of David, using markers, printer paper, and staples, when she was just five. By the time she was eight, she had decided she wanted to be a writer when she grew up. But it wasn’t until April graduated from college that she realized she wanted to write for children. “”The books we love as children affect us like no other books we read in our lifetimes,” she says. “They stay with us and shape us. Plus, they give kids the perfect opportunity to crawl into the lap of someone who loves them and listen to a good story. What could be better?”” Before becoming an author, April worked in the editorial departments of William Morrow Books for Young Readers and HarperCollins Children’s Books. Today, she works as an editor at Studio Goodwin Sturges in Providence and teaches part-time at Rhode Island School of Design. April is the author of 11 books, with three more on the way. Her books span the range from board books to chapter-book nonfiction and have been designated a New York Public Library’s 100 Books for Reading and Sharing, a CBC-NCSS Notable Social Studies Trade Book, an Oppenheimer Toy Portfolio Gold Seal, a Child Magazine Best Book of the Year, and Amazon Best Books of the Month and Year. She writes, visits schools, and lives with her family in Massachusetts.

Snowy Race
101 Dinosaurs
Goldenlocks and the Three Pirates
Who Was Frederick Douglass?
Dig In!
Dive In!
What Do Wheels Do All Day?
Twenty-One Elephants
Who Was Mark Twain?
Snowy Race
101 Dinosaurs
Goldenlocks and the Three Pirates

Most Popular April Jones Prince Books

    chapter • 112 Pages
    Who Was Mark Twain?
    April Jones Prince, Who HQ, John O'Brien
    chapter • 112 Pages
    Who Was Frederick Douglass?
    April Jones Prince, Who HQ, Robert Squier
    picture • 32 Pages
    What Do Wheels Do All Day?
    Giles Laroche, April Jones Prince
    picture • 32 Pages
    Twenty-One Elephants
    April Jones Prince
    picture • 40 Pages
    Goldenlocks and the Three Pirates
    April Jones Prince, Steven Salerno
    board • 14 Pages
    101 Dinosaurs
    April Jones Prince, Bob Kolar

Book Stats


All April Jones Prince Books

board • 14 Pages
101 Dinosaurs
Board Book
picture • 40 Pages
Goldenlocks and the Three Pirates
chapter • 112 Pages
Who Was Frederick Douglass?
board • 14 Pages
Dig In!
Board book
board • 14 Pages
Dive In!
Board Book
picture • 32 Pages
What Do Wheels Do All Day?
picture • 32 Pages
Twenty-One Elephants
chapter • 112 Pages
Who Was Mark Twain?


Who HQ
John O'Brien
Robert Squier
Giles Laroche
Steven Salerno
Bob Kolar
Christine Davenier
Michelle Berg


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