Author & Illustrator

Betsy Thompson


An educator by training, Betsy Thompson is now a self-taught mixed-media artist and illustrator. Her goal is to make art more accessible to viewers and readers of all ages by drawing them in through her use of color, movement, shapes, and storytelling. Her first picture book, Eggs 1, 2, 3: Who Will the Babies Be?, was awarded a 2012 Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Book Award and the 2012 Lupine Honor Award from the Maine Library Association, and was included on the New York Public Library’s 2012 list, Children’s Books: 100 Titles for Reading & Sharing. Betsy’s latest book Sunrise, Moonrise was published by Simon & Schuster in November 2016. Inspirations include parenthood, patterns in nature, mid-century modernism, the kitchen, expressionism, the concept of home, and her life by the sea. Betsy lives with her family on the coast of Maine.

Sunrise, Moonrise
Sunrise, Moonrise
Sunrise, Moonrise
Sunrise, Moonrise
Sunrise, Moonrise
Sunrise, Moonrise

Books by Betsy Thompson

    board • 32 Pages
    Sunrise, Moonrise
    Betsy Thompson

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All Betsy Thompson Books

board • 32 Pages
Sunrise, Moonrise
Board Book