
James Preller


James Preller is the author of numerous books, including the acclaimed novels The Courage Test, The Fall, Bystander, and Six Innings, and the Scary Tales and Jigsaw Jones series. He travels throughout the country visiting schools and book festivals. He lives in Delmar, New York, with his wife and their children.

Two Birds . . . and a Moose
Scary Tales: 3 Spooky Stories in 1: (Nightmareland) (One-Eyed Doll) (Swamp Monster)
The Whispering Pines
All Welcome Here
The Case of the Hat Burglar
The Case of the Haunted Scarecrow
The Case of the Bear Scare
The Case of the Golden Key

Most Popular James Preller Books

    chapter • 96 Pages
    The Case of the Vanishing Painting
    James Preller
    chapter • 96 Pages
    The Case of the Best Pet Ever
    James Preller
    chapter • 112 Pages
    The Case of the Buried Treasure
    James Preller
    chapter • 96 Pages
    The Case of the Golden Key
    James Preller
    chapter • 80 Pages
    The Case of the Class Clown
    James Preller, Jamie Smith
    chapter • 192 Pages
    The Whispering Pines
    James Preller, Kevin Keele

Book Stats


All James Preller Books

2024Two Birds . . . and a MooseAbigail Burch32
2024Scary Tales: 3 Spooky Stories in 1: (Nightmareland) (One-Eyed Doll) (Swamp Monster)304
2023The Whispering PinesKevin Keele192
2020All Welcome HereMary GrandPré40
2019The Case of the Hat BurglarR.W. Alley96
2019The Case of the Haunted Scarecrow96
2019The Case of the Bear Scare96
2019The Case of the Golden Key96
2019The Case of the Vanishing Painting96
2018Better Off Undead304
2017The Case of the Million-Dollar Mystery112
2017The Case of the Buried Treasure112
2017The Case of the Best Pet Ever96
2017The Courage Test240
2017The Case of the Glow-in-the-Dark Ghost96
2017The Case of the Bicycle Bandit96
2017The Case of the Mummy Mystery96
2017The Case of the Smelly Sneaker96
2017The Case from Outer Space96
2010A Pirate's Guide to First GradeGreg Ruth48
2007The Case of the Groaning GhostJamie Smith96
2007The Case of the Spoiled Rotten SpyJamie Smith80
2007The Case of the Kidnapped CandyJamie Smith80
2006The Case of the Snowboarding SuperstarJamie Smith80
2005The Case of the Food FightJamie Smith80
2005The Case of the Frog-Jumping ContestJamie Smith80
2005The Case of the Double Trouble DetectivesJamie Smith96
2004The Case of the Perfect PrankJamie Smith80
2003The Case of the Rainy Day MysteryJamie Smith80
2003The Case of the Race Against TimeJamie Smith96
2001The Case of the Detective in DisguiseJamie Smith80
2001The Case of the Great Sled RaceJohn SpeirsR.W. Alley80
2001The Case of the Spooky SleepoverR.W. AlleyJohn Speirs74
2001The Case of the Marshmallow MonsterJamie Smith80
2001The Case of the Stinky Science ProjectJohn Speirs80
2001The Case of the Runaway DogJohn SpeirsR.W. Alley80
2001The Case of Hermie the Missing Hamster80
2001The Case of the Class ClownJamie Smith80
1999The Case of the Stolen Baseball Cards80
1999The Case of the Secret ValentineR.W. AlleyJohn Speirs76
1998The Case of the Christmas SnowmanR.W. Alley74
1998The Case of the GhostwriterR.W. Alley80
1995Hiccups for ElephantHans Wilhelm32


Jamie Smith
Kevin Keele
Hans Wilhelm
Abigail Burch
Mary GrandPré
R.W. Alley
John Speirs
Greg Ruth


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