
Lenny Lipton


In 1959, Peter Yarrow and Lenny Lipton co-created the beloved song “Puff, the Magic Dragon.” As a member of the renowned trio Peter, Paul & Mary, Peter Yarrow has earned many gold and platinum awards and numerous Grammys(R), as well as an Emmy(R) nomination for his animated TV specials based on “Puff, the Magic Dragon.” Among the many honors bestowed upon him, Yarrow is most proud of the Allard K. Lowenstein Award, which he received in 1982 for advancing the causes of human rights, peace, and freedom. He lives in New York City. Lenny Lipton is the inventor of the modern 3-D projection system used in cinemas worldwide and the author of four books on motion-picture technology. He received an award from the Smithsonian for his invention. Eric Puybaret graduated from the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. Puff, the Magic Dragon was his first book, and he has since gone on to illustrate several others, including The Nutcracker for Sterling, and a picture book edition of Somewhere Over the Rainbow with a musical interpretation by Judy Collins. Puybaret lives in Paris, France.

Puff, the Magic Dragon
Puff, the Magic Dragon
Puff, the Magic Dragon
Puff, the Magic Dragon
Puff, the Magic Dragon
Puff, the Magic Dragon

Books by Lenny Lipton

    board • 24 Pages
    Puff, the Magic Dragon
    Peter Yarrow, Lenny Lipton, Eric Puybaret

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All Lenny Lipton Books

board • 24 Pages
Puff, the Magic Dragon
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