
Mark Andrew Poe


Harry Moon and Honey Moon series creator Mark Andrew Poe never thought about being a children’s writer growing up. His dream was to love and care for animals, specifically his friends in the rabbit community. Along the way, Mark became successful in all sorts of interesting careers. He entered the print and publishing world as a young man and his company did really, really well. Mark became a popular and nationally sought-after health care advocate for the care and well-being of rabbits. Years ago, Mark came up with the idea of a story about a young man with a special connection to a world of magic, all revealed through a remarkable rabbit friend. Mark worked on his idea for several years before building a collaborative creative team to help bring his idea to life. And the Harry Moon and Honey Moon book series was born. In 2014, Mark began a multi-book project launching both the The Amazing Adventures of Harry Moon and the Enchanted World of Honey Moon book series into the youth marketplace. Harry Moon is a hero defined by his love for a magic where love and ‘DO NO EVIL’ live. Today, Mark continues to work on the many stories of Harry Moon. He lives in suburban Chicago with his wife and his 25 rabbits. The Harry Moon and Honey Moon book series is a 31-book franchise including 3 books in Spanish written for the 7 to 12- year-old reader. This popular Middle-Grade series encourages readers to become heroes in their own communities, accepting the differences of others and cultivating kind behavior. The chapter book design, illustrations and fonts engage every type of reader including those with dyslexia and other special reading needs. These fun and engaging books are beautifully illustrated including an embossed, hard outside cover, map of Sleepy Hollow on the inside cover and a colorful poster on the inside of the dust jacket. For more information about our series, please visit

Harry Moon
Harry's Christmas Carol Color Edition
Wand Paper Scissors Origin
Halloween Nightmares (Color Edition)
Harry Moon
Harry's Christmas Carol Color Edition
Wand Paper Scissors Origin
Halloween Nightmares (Color Edition)

Books by Mark Andrew Poe

    chapter • 206 Pages
    Wand Paper Scissors Origin
    Mark Andrew Poe
    chapter • 200 Pages
    Halloween Nightmares (Color Edition)
    Mark Andrew Poe
    chapter • 174 Pages
    Harry's Christmas Carol Color Edition
    Mark Andrew Poe
    chapter • 200 Pages
    Harry Moon
    Mark Andrew Poe

Book Stats


All Mark Andrew Poe Books

chapter • 174 Pages
Harry's Christmas Carol Color Edition
chapter • 206 Pages
Wand Paper Scissors Origin
chapter • 200 Pages
Halloween Nightmares (Color Edition)


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