Author & Illustrator

Patricia Polacco


Patricia Polacco belongs to a family of storytellers, poets, farmers, teachers, and artists. They came from many parts of the world, but mainly Russia. She grew up to be an illustrator, a designer, and creator of many beloved children’s books, including The Keeping Quilt, The Blessing Cup, Fiona’s Lace, The Trees of the Dancing Goats, Babushka’s Doll, My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother, and Sticks and Stones. She lives in Union City, Michigan. Visit her at and follow her on Facebook.

Sticks and Stones
The Bravest Man in the World
Holes in the Sky
Remembering Vera
Because of Thursday
The Mermaid's Purse
An A from Miss Keller
Tucky Jo and Little Heart
Fiona's Lace

Most Popular Patricia Polacco Books

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Book Stats


All Patricia Polacco Books

2020Sticks and Stones48
2019The Bravest Man in the World56
2018Holes in the Sky48
2017Remembering Vera32
2016Because of Thursday40
2016The Mermaid's Purse42
2015An A from Miss Keller40
2015Tucky Jo and Little Heart48
2014Fiona's Lace40
2014Mr. Wayne's Masterpiece40
2014Clara and Davie34
2013Gifts of the Heart40
2013The Blessing Cup40
2012Thank You, Mr. Falker40
2012The Art of Miss Chew40
2011Just in Time, Abraham Lincoln48
2011Bun Bun Button40
2010The Junkyard Wonders48
2009January's Sparrow96
2009In Our Mothers' House48
2009The Butterfly48
2008Someone for Mr. Sussman40
2008Emma Kate32
2008Christmas Tapestry48
2008For the Love of Autumn40
2007The Lemonade Club48
2007Ginger and Petunia40
2006Something About Hensley's48
2006Rotten Richie and the Ultimate Dare48
2006G is for Goat32
2005The Graves Family Goes Camping48
2005Mommies Say Shhh!40
2004An Orange for Frankie48
2004John Philip Duck48
2004Oh, Look!32
2003The Graves Family48
2002When Lightning Comes in a Jar48
2001Mrs. Mack40
2001Mr. Lincoln's Way48
2000Babushka's Mother Goose64
1999Babushka Baba Yaga32
1998The Bee Tree32
1996The Trees of the Dancing Goats32
1996Aunt Chip and the Great Triple Creek Dam Affair40
1994Pink and Say48
1994My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother32
1994Mrs. Katz and Tush32
1993Some Birthday!40
1992Chicken Sunday32
1990Babushka's Doll40
1990Thunder Cake32
1988The Keeping Quilt64
1988Rechenka's Eggs32


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