
cabin Quotes

Four of the best book quotes about cabin
But one day the Duck wants to stir instead, and then there is a horrible squabble, and he leaves the cabin in a huff. It isn’t long before the Cat and the Squirrel start to worry about him and begin a search for their friend.
“Perhaps she too felt the loneliness that came with the wind as it passed the cabin outside, and the closeness of the world whose farthest border in the night was the place where the lamp light ended, at the edge of the cabin walls.”
“The boy dreamed of the stalk land covered by the Lords mighty flood. ‘Cabins built on posts would just float like boats, perch and all,’ he assured himself in a whisper. If they floated from the far ends of the land and all came together, that would be a town, and he wouldn’t be lonely anymore...”
“What she wished most to be, much more than the rest, Was a cabin she’d seen on her trips through the west. A little log shack half-covered with vines Perched on a slope in a forest of pines.”
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