
ferocity Quotes

Five of the best book quotes about ferocity
“The display of ferocity, of savage courage, made me realize that I was wrong. All my life I had known only a part of her.”
“They were his environment, these men, and they were moulding the clay of him into a more ferocious thing than had been intended by Nature. Nevertheless, Nature had given him plasticity. Where many another animal would have died or had its spirit broken, he adjusted himself and lived, and at no expense of the spirit.”
“The tiger -- yes. The law of his nature is ferocity. The law of his nature is the Law of God. He cannot disobey it.”
“It was a sort of ferocious, quiet beauty, the sort that wouldn’t let you admire it. The sort of beauty that always hurt.”
“It frightened her to see the ferocity with which they had destroyed the little thing.”
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