
folklore Quotes

Five of the best book quotes about folklore
“Anancy walked on, carrying the gourd of water. He came to a family digging their land, making earth mounds and planting yams in them. Everyone sweated -the young man, the young woman, the mother, the father. Anancy gave the sweating family the gourd of water.”
“Anancy walked on, carrying the yam. He came to a little open shed where a blacksmith was beating a piece of iron. As he worked the blacksmith ate charcoal with his sweat all over it.”
“Anancy held up the yam to the blacksmith. ‘Oh, please don’t eat charcoal. Don’t. Take this yam. Take it, roast it, and eat it instead. The blacksmith took the yam. He picked a short-handled hoe and gave it to Anancy.”
“Anancy walked, carrying the half bottle of palm oil. He came to a woman with ten children around her in their open yard. She was oiling her children bodies with her spittle.”
“Anancy sat down at the roadside. He said: ‘Skygod, a good good morning to you!’ He waited. No answer came from Skygod. ‘That’s all right with me,’ he said to himself. ‘I’will just wait!’ All prepared to wait as long as ever.”
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