Freak the Mighty cover
The Quiz

Freak the Mighty

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16 Questions
  • Question 1 of 16

    What is Max's dad's nickname?

  • Question 2 of 16

    What is Kicker's real name?

  • Question 3 of 16

    What does Kevin call his mom?

  • Question 4 of 16

    Where did Kicker and keven first meet?

  • Question 5 of 16

    Who does Max live with?

  • Question 6 of 16

    Who does Max look like?

  • Question 7 of 16

    Where is Max's father for most of the book?

  • Question 8 of 16

    What is Kevin obsessed with?

  • Question 9 of 16

    On what holiday did Max and Kevin first become known as Freak the Mighty?

  • Question 10 of 16

    What does Max call his room?

  • Question 11 of 16

    What did Max and Kevin fish out of the storm drain?

  • Question 12 of 16

    What did Kevin give Max for Christmas?

  • Question 13 of 16

    Who comes and steals Max in the middle of the night?

  • Question 14 of 16

    Remembering is just an ________ of the mind.

  • Question 15 of 16

    What happens at Freak's birthday party?

  • Question 16 of 16

    What does Kevin tell Max to do when Max visits him in the hospital?

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