Dozens of Doughnuts
Dozens of Doughnuts

Dozens of Doughnuts

Written by Carrie Finison & illustrated by Brianne Farley
3 - 7
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Lexile measure
Jul 21, 2020
Publication date

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What Does Bookroo Think of This Book

A delightful tale of a gracious host that is fun, fresh and pure joy to read aloud!

LouAnn has the perfect treat to fill her up and last her through the long winter months. But just as she’s sitting down to her plate of “one dozen doughnuts, hot from the pan, ” the doorbell rings and she graciously shares half her doughnuts with Woodrow the woodchuck. As friend after friend shows up just as LouAnn is about to finally get to taste the doughnuts, and her good manners require her to give up her own share in deference to her guests while she makes more and more batches of delicious doughnuts she never gets to taste, finally LouAnn has had enough! With a “ROAR!” worthy of a bear and a tantrum reminiscent of a toddler (after her friends have departed), LouAnn settles down only to be met with one final “Ding! Dong!” A heartfelt apology, complete with the friends making enough doughnuts to satisfy LouAnn (and still have enough to share) bring this delightful book full circle. Original rhymes (interrupted to great effect by the recurring “Ding! Dong!”) and pleasant cadence make this a read aloud readers will want to return to again and again for storytime. While LouAnn’s fit goes disappointedly unaddressed, the animal’s apology for their thoughtlessly taking advantage of LouAnn’s generosity is lovely, and both offer opportunities for follow up discussions. Farley’s illustrations (which continue the story onto the endpapers!) have a special distinctive character that is utterly enjoyable and full of personality.

What Kind of Book is Dozens of Doughnuts

Primarily about

generosity and givingcounting and numbers

Writing Styles


Where Does This Book Stand Out

  • Read-Aloud

    The “Read Aloud” badge is awarded to books that provide an exceptional read-aloud experience.


    The wall of my studio while completing final art for Dozens of Doughnuts. The art was made using gouache, colored pencil, and watercolor crayon on paper.
    At the start of the story, LouAnn is happy to share her treats with her friend, Woodrow. I love how Brianne Farley foreshadowed the arrival of the next guest at the window.
    Later in the book, we can see that LouAnn is getting pretty fed up with the guests that keep coming! Brianne Farley did a wonderful job depicting emotion in LouAnn's face and body language.
    Dozens of Doughnuts endpapers
    Dozens of Doughnuts endpapers

What Questions Should I Ask My Child

  • LouAnn makes many batches of doughnuts in the story. Each time, she divides the batch evenly, and her friends eat them all. As you're reading, count the doughnuts in each batch. • Who eats the most doughnuts? • Who eats the fewest? • How many could you eat?
  • LouAnn is a black bear. Think about or research what black bears like to eat. • What do you think would make a perfect doughnut for LouAnn? • Would you want to eat it?
  • LouAnn's friends ate up all her doughnuts and didn't leave any for her. But they apologized and did something to make up for it. Did you ever do something that you had to apologize for? What did you do to make things right?


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Book Details

Publication Date
July 21, 2020
G.P. Putnam's Sons Books For Young Readers
Original Publication Date
July 21, 2020
Text Details
P22 Parrish
Illustration Details
The art was done in gouache, colored pencil, and charcoal, with some help from Photoshop.
Page Count
Words Per Page
Reading Age
3 - 7 years
Lib. of Congress (LCCN)
WorldCat Number (OCLC)
Lexile® Level
Est. Fountas & Pinnell Level
Est. ATOS® Book Level

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