Exploring Flight!
Exploring Flight!

Exploring Flight!

Written by Andrea Beaty Dr. Theanne Griffith , and David Roberts
Part of the Ada Twist, Scientist: The Why Files Book Series
5 - 8
Reading age
Page count
Dec 14, 2021
Publication date

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Publisher Summary

From the New York Times bestselling creator of the Questioneers, Andrea Beaty, and author Theanne Griffith, Exploring Flight! (Ada Twist, Scientist: The Why Files) is the first in a full-color nonfiction early-reader series based on the Netflix series! Why do airplanes look the way they do? Why can’t birds fly when they’re first born? And why do some paper planes fly farther than others? Ada Twist, Scientist: The Why Files is the perfect nonfiction resource for all these questions and more. Discover everything there is to know about flight from Ada Twist, Scientist–from information about creatures that fly, to the history of aircrafts, to modern technology that allows us to soar through the air faster than ever! Based on the bestselling series and the Netflix show, this nonfiction series is perfect for the youngest scientists of tomorrow! Check out all the books in the Questioneers Series: The Questioneers Picture Book Series: Iggy Peck, Architect Rosie Revere, Engineer Ada Twist, Scientist Sofia Valdez, Future Prez Aaron Slater, Illustrator Lila Greer, Teacher of the YearThe Questioneers Chapter Book Series: Rosie Revere and the Raucous Riveters Ada Twist and the Perilous Pants Iggy Peck and the Mysterious Mansion Sofia Valdez and the Vanishing Vote Ada Twist and the Disappearing Dogs Aaron Slater and the Sneaky SnakeQuestioneers: The Why Files Series: Exploring Flight! All About Plants! The Science of Baking Bug Bonanza! Rockin’ Robots!Questioneers: Ada Twist, Scientist Series: Ghost Busted Show Me the Bunny Ada Twist, Scientist: Brainstorm Book 5-Minute Ada Twist, Scientist StoriesThe Questioneers Big Project Book Series: Iggy Peck’s Big Project Book for Amazing Architects Rosie Revere’s Big Project Book for Bold Engineers Ada Twist’s Big Project Book for Stellar Scientists Sofia Valdez’s Big Project Book for Awesome Activists Aaron Slater’s Big Project Book for Astonishing Artists


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    Book Details

    Publication Date
    December 14, 2021
    Harry N. Abrams
    Original Publication Date
    December 14, 2021
    Page Count
    Reading Age
    5 - 8 years
    Lib. of Congress (LCCN)

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    Core Score - 35%

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    Depth Score - 9%

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