Book Series

Princess Posey, First Grader Books

In order from Princess Posey and the First Grade Parade to Princess Posey and the First Grade Play
Princess Posey and the First Grade Parade
Princess Posey and the Perfect Present
Princess Posey and the Next-Door Dog
Princess Posey and the Monster Stew
Princess Posey and the Tiny Treasure
chapter • 96 Pages
Princess Posey and the First Grade Parade
#1 in Series
Book #1

Princess Posey and the First Grade Parade

Written by Stephanie Greene & illustrated by Stephanie Sisson
5 - 8
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
May 27, 2010
Publication date


Posey is really nervous about starting first grade. Instead of getting walked to her classroom, her mom has to drop her off at the Kiss-and-Go Lane. Then she’ll have to walk into school and face the Monster of the Blue Hall all by herself. Worst of all, she has to do it without the one thing that always makes her feel brave and special: the tutu that turns her into the Pink Princess. But when Posey inspires her new teacher to throw a first-day parade in which all the kids are invited to wear whatever makes them feel the most comfortable, first grade starts to look a lot more promising.Posey will charm readers just graduating from easy-to-reads (and from kindergarten). Make reading sparkle with all of the Princess Posey chapter books!

Princess Posey, First Grader Series

Published from 2010 - 2018
12 books
chapter • 96 Pages
Princess Posey and the First Grade Parade
picture • 96 Pages
Princess Posey and the Perfect Present
#2 in Series
picture • 96 Pages
Princess Posey and the Next-Door Dog
#3 in Series
picture • 96 Pages
Princess Posey and the Monster Stew
#4 in Series
picture • 96 Pages
Princess Posey and the Tiny Treasure
#5 in Series
picture • 96 Pages
Princess Posey and the Christmas Magic
#7 in Series
chapter • 96 Pages
Princess Posey and the Flower Girl Fiasco
picture • 96 Pages
Princess Posey and the New First Grader
picture • 96 Pages
Princess Posey and the First Grade Boys
picture • 96 Pages
Princess Posey and the First Grade Ballet
picture • 96 Pages
Princess Posey and the Crazy, Lazy Vacation
picture • 96 Pages
Princess Posey and the First Grade Play
20101Princess Posey and the First Grade ParadeStephanie Sisson96
20112Princess Posey and the Perfect PresentStephanie Roth Sisson96
20113Princess Posey and the Next-Door DogStephanie Roth Sisson96
20124Princess Posey and the Monster StewStephanie Roth Sisson96
20135Princess Posey and the Tiny TreasureStephanie Roth Sisson96
20137Princess Posey and the Christmas Magic96
201812Princess Posey and the Flower Girl FiascoStephanie Roth Sisson96
2013Princess Posey and the New First GraderStephanie Roth Sisson96
2014Princess Posey and the First Grade BoysStephanie Roth Sisson96
2014Princess Posey and the First Grade BalletStephanie Roth Sisson96
2016Princess Posey and the Crazy, Lazy VacationStephanie Roth Sisson96
2017Princess Posey and the First Grade PlayStephanie Roth Sisson96

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