The much-heralded Good Knight is back-only this time his three little dragon friends are sick in bed. Their scaly foreheads are hot and their noses are drip-drip-dripping. They feel awful. The Good Knight comes to the rescue again! He brings them some slimy, grimy soup from the wizard to make them feel better. But the dragons wont touch it. What is a Good Knight to do?
Shelley Moore Thomas is the author of several children’s books, including No, No, Kitten! and the popular chapter book series Good Knight. When she isn’t writing, she’s teaching elementary school or playing with puppets–or both at the same time. She lives in Oceanside, California. Visit
Jennifer Plecas is an illustrator, designer, and author who has illustrated over thirty books for children, including the beloved Good Night, Good Knight books. She also lives in Kansas City with her family.
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