Orphaned Heidi lives with her gruff but caring grandfather on the side of Swiss mountain, where she befriends young Peter the goat-herd. She leads an idyllic life, until she is forced to leave the mountain she has always known to go and live with a sickly girl in the city. Will Heidi ever see her grandfather again? A classic tale of a young girl’s coming-of-age, of friendship, and familial love.
If you didn't run up grassy hills and pretend to be Heidi in the Swiss Alps, did you even read this book? And if you didn't read this book, did you even have a childhood? It's a classic for a reason! I love books that introduce me to a different time or place, and this book did just that. It's fun, adventurous, and, at times, sad. It's a great story about growing up and relying on your family and friends.
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