I Can Control My Anger
I Can Control My Anger

I Can Control My Anger

Written by Dagmar Geisler
2 - 6
Reading age
Page count
Sep 3, 2019
Publication date

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What's This Book About

Publisher Summary

The perfect tool to teach children how to evaluate and manager their anger. I Can Control My Anger provides parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers the opportunity to speak with children about this important topic. Do you sometimes get angry? I do. Sometimes I have such rage, I want to yell at the top of my lungs or shout at someone else. Sometimes I even want to shred something or stomp on it. When I get angry, my heart beats faster than usual, I get hot, and my face turns as red as a tomato. Occasionally, I get cold and my hands shake when I am really frustrated and mad. We all get angry, and we all feel that anger in different ways. We may get hot or cold. We may want to yell at our parents or our friends, or we may want to pout and not talk to anyone. We may want to punch pillows or we may just want to cry. Sometimes we know why we’re angry, and sometimes we don’t. And that’s okay. This book sensitively teaches young readers about anger and shows them healthy ways to process and express their thoughts and emotions when they are mad.

What Kind of Book is I Can Control My Anger


angerfeelings and emotionsself-esteemviolenceself-esteem and self-relianceemotions


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    Book Details

    Publication Date
    September 3, 2019
    Sky Pony
    Page Count
    Reading Age
    2 - 6 years

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    Core Score - 35%

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    Depth Score - 15%

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