Book Series

The Safe Child, Happy Parent Books

In order from I Can Build Confidence to I Can Control My Anger
I Can Build Confidence
I Won't Go With Strangers
I Can Control My Anger
I Can Build Confidence
I Won't Go With Strangers
picture • 32 Pages
I Can Build Confidence
Book #1

I Can Build Confidence

Written by Elisabeth Zöller & illustrated by Dagmar Geisler
3 - 6
Reading age
Page count
Sep 10, 2019
Publication date


An important story for young readers about standing up to bullies and developing courage and self-confidence. Kim is in kindergarten, and she loves going to school! She has a new backpack she can’t wait to use and show to her friends. On the way to school, she spots Grit and Fritz on the playground. They approach her, they call her names, they threaten to hurt her if she doesn’t give them her new backpack. Scared, Kim can’t find her voice to yell for help and shrinks inside herself as the bigger kids taunt her. When they are scared away by an older kid, Kim continues on to class but doesn’t want to tell Ms. Blume why she’s upset. In class that day, Ms. Blume sings a song about being strong and asks her students to create treasure boxes that will hold their talents and strengths. As Kim works, frequently bothered by Frtiz and Grit, she decides that her treasure box should hold everything she needs to be big and strong–confidence, courage, her voice. When Frtiz and Grit return to stomp all over her box, Kim has a decision to make: she can either run to the cozy corner and hide, or she can plant her feet, take a deep breath, and tell her bullies to leave her alone. Which will she choose?

The Safe Child, Happy Parent Series

Published from 2018 - 2019
3 books
picture • 32 Pages
I Can Build Confidence
picture • 32 Pages
I Won't Go With Strangers
picture • 32 Pages
I Can Control My Anger
2019I Can Build ConfidenceElisabeth Zöller32
2018I Won't Go With StrangersDagmar Geisler32
2019I Can Control My AngerDagmar Geisler32

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