In a quirky, clever, and heartwarming picture book from the beloved author of Henny, Peddles the pig is on a mission to make his dreams come true with the help of his porcine pals. Peddles is tired of being the same old pig–he wants to be different. He wants to stop doing the usual pig things like oinking and sleeping. He’d much rather stand, climb, and dance! And Peddles finally gets his chance when he bumps into a pile of shoes and finds a pair of red boots that fits just right! But as soon as Peddles tries them on, he falls on his back and can’t get up! Until his special friends come along and show him how to make his dreams come true!
Elizabeth Rose Stanton began her picture book writing and illustrating adventure a few years ago, after a brief career as an architect, and long career as a parent and fine artist. Her debut book, Henny, was awarded an American Library Association Booklist star and was named as one of the best books of 2014 for children by The New York Public Library. School Library Journal called her second book, Peddles, “quietly wonderful,” and the illustrations, “a thing of beauty.” Elizabeth grew up in New York and now lives in Seattle with her husband and a trio of Scottish Fold cats.
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