Book Series

A Unicorn Named Sparkle Books

In order from A Unicorn Named Sparkle to A Unicorn Named Sparkle and the Perfect Valentine
A Unicorn Named Sparkle
A New Friend for Sparkle
A Unicorn Named Sparkle's First Christmas
A Unicorn Named Sparkle and the Pumpkin Monster
A Unicorn Named Sparkle and the Perfect Valentine
A Unicorn Named Sparkle
board • 32 Pages
A Unicorn Named Sparkle
#1 in Series
Book #1

A Unicorn Named Sparkle

Written and illustrated by Amy Young
2 - 6
Reading age
Page count
Sep 11, 2018
Publication date
Board book


When Lucy sees an ad in the newspaper for a unicorn, she sends in her twenty-five cents and waits four to six long weeks for her very own unicorn to arrive. She imagines the flowers that she’ll braid into his beautiful pink mane, and she even picks the perfect name for him: Sparkle. But when Sparkle arrives, his ears are too long, his horn is too short, he smells funny—and oh, he has fleas. Lucy isn’t pleased, but in the end she warms up to Sparkle and realizes that even though he wasn’t exactly the unicorn she wanted, he might be just the one she needs.

A Unicorn Named Sparkle Series

Published from 2017 - 2021
5 books
board • 32 Pages
A Unicorn Named Sparkle
Board book
board • 32 Pages
A New Friend for Sparkle
#2 in Series
picture • 32 Pages
A Unicorn Named Sparkle's First Christmas
#3 in Series
Select type • 32 Pages
A Unicorn Named Sparkle and the Pumpkin Monster
#4 in Series
picture • 34 Pages
A Unicorn Named Sparkle and the Perfect Valentine
#5 in Series
20181A Unicorn Named Sparkle32
20172A New Friend for Sparkle32
20183A Unicorn Named Sparkle's First Christmas32
20204A Unicorn Named Sparkle and the Pumpkin Monster32
20215A Unicorn Named Sparkle and the Perfect Valentine34

The Creative Behind the Books

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