Book Series

Ellie May Books

In order from Ellie May on Presidents' Day to Ellie May on April Fools' Day
Ellie May on Presidents' Day
Ellie May on April Fools' Day
Ellie May on Presidents' Day
Ellie May on Presidents' Day
Ellie May on April Fools' Day
chapter • 112 Pages
Ellie May on Presidents' Day
Book #1

Ellie May on Presidents' Day

Written by Hillary Homzie & illustrated by Jeffrey Ebbeler
6 - 9
Reading age
Page count
Jan 1, 2018
Publication date


Ellie May really wants to be her second-grade class’s flag leader during the Pledge of Allegiance, however her enthusiasm and hyperactivity keep getting in the way, both in school and at home–but maybe learning everything about various presidents, dressing the part, or pleading her case will finally get her teacher to pick her, rather than the well-behaved Ava.

Ellie May Series

Published from 1960 - 2018
2 books
chapter • 112 Pages
Ellie May on Presidents' Day
chapter • 112 Pages
Ellie May on April Fools' Day
2018Ellie May on Presidents' Day112
1960Ellie May on April Fools' Day112

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