In If I Wandered with a Woolly Mammoth, a young boy imagines what it would be like to go back in time and travel with a herd of woolly mammoths during the last Ice Age, before they went extinct. Readers will learn how woolly mammoths lived and traveled in the snow and survived sabertoothed cat attacks in a fun, fictional format. Actionpacked illustrations and carefully leveled text engage young readers in a supportive educational fiction reading experience. Children can learn more about woolly mammoths using Fact Surfer, our safe online search engine that provides relevant, ageappropriate websites. This book also features a diagram, a picture glossary, an index, a table of contents, and tools for teachers and caregivers. Grasshopper Books offers simple, fun fiction for emerging readers. If I Wandered with a Woolly Mammoth is part of Jump!’s If I Met an Ice Age Animal series.