Book Series

Disasters in History Books

Shackleton and the Lost Antarctic Expedition
Shackleton and the Lost Antarctic Expedition
Shackleton and the Lost Antarctic Expedition
Shackleton and the Lost Antarctic Expedition
Shackleton and the Lost Antarctic Expedition
picture • 32 Pages
Shackleton and the Lost Antarctic Expedition
#1 in Series
Graphic Nov.
Book #1

Shackleton and the Lost Antarctic Expedition

Written by B. A. and Hoena & illustrated by Barnett III Dave Charles , and Hoover
8 - 14
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Jan 1, 2006
Publication date
Library Binding


Tells the story of Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton and his failed attempt to cross the coldest and windiest continent on earth. Written in graphic-novel format.

Disasters in History Series

1 book
picture • 32 Pages
Shackleton and the Lost Antarctic Expedition
#1 in Series
Graphic Nov.
Library Binding
20061Shackleton and the Lost Antarctic ExpeditionB. A., HoenaBarnett IIIDaveCharlesHoover32

The Creatives Behind the Book

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