Book Series

Mitchell Goes Books

Mitchell Goes Bowling
Mitchell Goes Bowling
Mitchell Goes Bowling
Mitchell Goes Bowling
Mitchell Goes Bowling
Mitchell Goes Bowling
Mitchell Goes Bowling
picture • 40 Pages
Mitchell Goes Bowling
Book #1

Mitchell Goes Bowling

Illustrated by Tony Fucile
3 - 7
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Sep 10, 2013
Publication date


Battle on! Head to the lanes for another hilarious, high-energy story as four-year-old Mitchell and his obliging dad strike a winning deal. Mitchell liked to knock things down.That’s just how he rolled. One Saturday, when Mitchell almost knocks down his dad, his dad catches him and puts him in the car. And when they step into the bowling alley, Mitchell feels right at home. Pizza! Giant crashing noises! Special shoes! But as Mitchell picks up the biggest ball and quickly learns the word gutter, and when Dad does a little kick with his leg and earns a big X on the scoreboard, Mitchell starts to get peevish. How can Mitchell get a chance to do a steamin’-hot-potato-dance too? With wit, warmth, and comedic charm, Hallie Durand and Tony Fucile roll another strike with this tale of a lovably rambunctious child and his doting dad.

Mitchell Goes Series

1 book
picture • 40 Pages
Mitchell Goes Bowling
2013Mitchell Goes Bowling40

The Creative Behind the Book

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