Book Series

Batman's Mystery Casebook Books

Batman's Mystery Casebook
Batman's Mystery Casebook
Batman's Mystery Casebook
Batman's Mystery Casebook
Batman's Mystery Casebook
chapter • 134 Pages
Batman's Mystery Casebook
Graphic Nov.
Book #1

Batman's Mystery Casebook

Written by Sholly Fisch & illustrated by Christopher Uminga
8 - 12
Reading age
Page count
Aug 30, 2022
Publication date


Have you ever needed help solving a mystery? Batman has! Batman is a great detective, but he rarely works alone. His sidekicks Robin and Batgirl, his butler Alfred, and the police of Gotham City all play a role in helping him keep his city safe. You can too! Look for clues!Analyze evidence!Solve riddles!Learn history! Help the Batman as he goes on his adventures and see if you can spot the answers to these mysteries before he logs them into his casebook.

Batman's Mystery Casebook Series

1 book
chapter • 134 Pages
Batman's Mystery Casebook
Graphic Nov.
2022Batman's Mystery Casebook134

The Creatives Behind the Book

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