What happens when a spunky little girl wishes on a shooting star for a pet of her very own? She wishes for a pet OSTRICH, of course!Their wildly crazy and fun-filled feathery shenanigans will keep kids guessing what will happen next. The LAUGH OUT LOUD surprise ending will bring a bad case of the giggles and will lead you to the character of book 2 - coming soon!From the Back CoverHave you ever made a magical wish upon a shooting star?Was it for a pet ostrich?Follow the adventure and humor as a spunky child wishes for a pet ostrich of her very own. Will it be everything she hopes for - or a big feathery mistake? This delightful, rhyming tale about the fastest bird in the world has a surprise ending that is sure to bring a smile.A bonus educational section is included to help children who are already ostrich fans - and those who aren’t fans yet!Humor and laughter support creativity. Giving a child a BRAIN BREAK with laughter helps with social skills and improves cognitive development. Inspired by the books of Dr. Seuss, this book was created to encourage emergent readers, spark a child’s imagination and will teach children how language works. Reading books that rhyme, help children make prediction of words. ★A FREE comprehension and activity lesson are included at the end of this story. ★A FREE lesson plan for teachers and parents are available at www.sarinasiebenaler.com Book 2 in an upcoming series will be available soon. Follow along at @sarina_siebenaler and #donotwishforapet or contact her for an author visit at books@sarinasiebenaler.com