Book Series

How STEM Built Empires Books

How STEM Built the Aztec Empire
How STEM Built the Aztec Empire
How STEM Built the Aztec Empire
How STEM Built the Aztec Empire
How STEM Built the Aztec Empire
chapter • 80 Pages
How STEM Built the Aztec Empire
Book #1

How STEM Built the Aztec Empire

Written by Amie Jane Leavitt
12 - 17
Reading age
Page count
Dec 30, 2019
Publication date


Mostly known today for its complex pantheon and religious rituals, the Aztec empire was also highly advanced in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math or STEM. With the capital city of the empire built in the middle of a lake, the geographical, political, and economic needs of the Aztecs drove innovation for centuries. Massive construction projects, including ziggurats, causeways, and aqueducts demonstrated that the Aztecs had ambitious goals as well as the STEM knowledge to achieve them. Though much of its history was destroyed, the accomplishments of the Aztecs are an impressive reminder of history’s ingenuity.

How STEM Built Empires Series

1 book
chapter • 80 Pages
How STEM Built the Aztec Empire
2019How STEM Built the Aztec Empire80

The Creative Behind the Book

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