DID YOU KNOW? Male seahorses give birth, not females. Hershey’s kisses used to be square. Squid have nine brains–and the central one’s shaped like a donut, with a hole in the middle! Even MORE fantastic facts and incredible images come to life in the second volume of the kid-favorite TOTALLY RANDOM FACTS series. There is a wild world of VERY random information out there! This second volume of the beloved Totally Random Facts series rounds up another 3000-plus of those surprising, strange, and striking nuggets of information. Covering everything from cuddly pets to venomous spiders and exoplanets to undersea trenches, this uber-giftable hardcover showcases amazing photography, cool design, and weird-but-true information. If your trivia-phile is interested in it, there’s a Totally Random Fact about it! Find more fantastic facts in Totally Random Facts volume 1, or tempt your uber-curious kid with wacky Q&As in Totally Random Questions volumes 1-8!