Book Series

Real Readers Books

In order from Let's Take the Bus to The Bedtime Beast
Let's Take the Bus
The Bedtime Beast
Let's Take the Bus
The Bedtime Beast
Let's Take the Bus
The Bedtime Beast
Let's Take the Bus
picture • 22 Pages
Let's Take the Bus
Book #1

Let's Take the Bus

Written by Chris Economos and Steve McInturff
4 - 8
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Mar 26, 1999
Publication date
Library Binding

Real Readers Series

Published from 1990 - 1999
2 books
picture • 22 Pages
Let's Take the Bus
Library Binding
picture • 30 Pages
The Bedtime Beast
Library Binding
1999Let's Take the BusChris Economos, Steve McInturff22
1990The Bedtime BeastRowan Barnes-Murphy, Jay Hulbert30

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