Year | Title | Pages |
2017 | Follow That Tiny-Dactyl | 224 |
2017 | Tiny-Raptor Pack Attack | 240 |
2018 | That's My Tiny-Saurus Rex | 224 |
2019 | Beware the Tiny-Spino | 224 |
2019 | Tiny-Tricera Troubles | 224 |
2018 | Tiny-Stego Stampede | 224 |
Dustin Hansen, author of Game On! and the Microsaurs series, was raised in rural Utah. After studying art at Snow College, he began working in the video game industry, where he has been following his passions of art and writing for more than twenty years. Dustin can often be found hiking with his family in the same canyons he grew up in, with a sketchbook in his pocket and a well-stocked backpack over his shoulders.