Year | Title | Author | Pages |
2018 | Amazing Animals | Brenda Scott Royce, Emily Rose Oachs, Courtney Acampora | 132 |
2018 | Saving a Species | Angela Davids | 32 |
Brenda Scott Royce is a lifelong lover of beasts and books–and whenever possible her work combines the two. She’s served as editor of Zoo View, the award-winning magazine of the Los Angeles Zoo, for more than a decade. Her children’s books include two titles in the ASPCA’s Pet Rescue Club series– Champion’s New Shoes and Bailey the Wonder Dog. Her award-winning comedic novels Monkey Love and Monkey Star chronicle the misadventures of Holly Heckerling, a stand-up comedienne who befriends a monkey while juggling career and romantic entanglements. Brenda likes to say that she majored in monkeys in college (she earned a bachelor’s degree in primatology and anthropology from California State University, Fullerton) and that some of her best friends are chimpanzees (she worked as a chimp keeper at a wildlife sanctuary). She lives in Glendora, California.
Emily Rose Oachs is a graduate of the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities. She currently works as an editor at a Los Angeles-based educational company. In her spare time, she writes nonfiction books for elementary readers.
Courtney Acampora holds a B.A. in art history from San Diego State University and a M.A. from the University of Arizona. Currently working in publishing, Courtney’s lifelong love for both art and books fused together and gave her the opportunity to write and create engaging books for kids. Courtney lives in San Diego, California.