Book Series

Grandfather Gandhi Books

Grandfather Gandhi
Grandfather Gandhi
Grandfather Gandhi
Grandfather Gandhi
Grandfather Gandhi
Grandfather Gandhi
Grandfather Gandhi
picture • 48 Pages
Grandfather Gandhi
Book #1

Grandfather Gandhi

Written by Arun Gandhi and Bethany Hegedus & illustrated by Evan Turk
4 - 8
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Mar 11, 2014
Publication date


Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson tells the story of how his grandfather taught him to turn darkness into light in this uniquely personal and vibrantly illustrated tale that carries a message of peace. How could he—a Gandhi—be so easy to anger? One thick, hot day, Arun Gandhi travels with his family to Grandfather Gandhi’s village. Silence fills the air—but peace feels far away for young Arun. When an older boy pushes him on the soccer field, his anger fills him in a way that surely a true Gandhi could never imagine. Can Arun ever live up to the Mahatma? Will he ever make his grandfather proud? In this remarkable personal story, Arun Gandhi, with Bethany Hegedus, weaves a stunning portrait of the extraordinary man who taught him to live his life as light. Evan Turk brings the text to breathtaking life with his unique three-dimensional collage paintings.

Grandfather Gandhi Series

1 book
picture • 48 Pages
Grandfather Gandhi
2014Grandfather GandhiArun Gandhi, Bethany Hegedus48

The Creatives Behind the Book

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