Book Series

Charlie Piechart Books

In order from Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing Pizza Slice to Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing Dog
Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing Pizza Slice
Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing Hat
Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing Dog
Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing Pizza Slice
Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing Dog
Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing Pizza Slice
Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing Hat
picture • 40 Pages
Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing Pizza Slice
Book #1

Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing Pizza Slice

Written by Marilyn Sadler
4 - 8
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Sep 1, 2015
Publication date


With a dinnertime mystery and 5 hungry suspects, Charlie Piechart makes fractions fun.Charlie Piechart has a piechart for a belly, and it’s a belly that’s perfect for showing fractions. In his first mystery, perfect for little math enthusiasts, it’s pizza night at the Piecharts’ house.How about veggies on top? “NO VEGGIES!” yell 4/6 of the pizza eaters. No one wants anchovies, either. They like Charlie’s idea best: pepperoni.But with 6 pizza eaters, 3 sizes of pizza on the delivery menu, and 2 slices allotted for each person, it is no surprise when there’s a mystery! A scream from Charlie’s sisters reveals the issue: 1 out of 12 slices has gone missing. So who did it? Charlie counts the suspects and questions each one (except Mom!). But could he be forgetting someone?This colorful, hysterical mystery adventure is perfect for both reluctant and enthusiastic math learners. Great for fans of G Is for Googol, Sir Cumference and the First Round Table, and Math Curse.Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts

Charlie Piechart Series

Published from 2015 - 2018
3 books
picture • 40 Pages
Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing Pizza Slice
picture • 40 Pages
Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing Hat
picture • 40 Pages
Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing Dog
2015Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing Pizza SliceMarilyn Sadler, Eric Comstock40
2016Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing HatEric Comstock, Marilyn Sadler40
2018Charlie Piechart and the Case of the Missing DogMarilyn Sadler, Eric Comstock40

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