Book Series

Hello Kitty Graphic Novel Books

Hello Kitty: Just Imagine
Hello Kitty: Just Imagine
Hello Kitty: Just Imagine
Hello Kitty: Just Imagine
Hello Kitty: Just Imagine
chapter • 64 Pages
Hello Kitty: Just Imagine
#4 in Series
Graphic Nov.
Book #4

Hello Kitty: Just Imagine

Written by Jacob Chabot Ian McGinty , and Jorge Monlongo
8 - 12
Reading age
Page count
Aug 5, 2014
Publication date


The Hello Kitty brand touches every part of a girl’s life with on-trend product, and touches every part of popular culture–from fashion to celebrity to art. It is a true lifestyle brand. VIZ Media’s wordless comic series is the first of its kind. Hello Kitty and her friends are off on adventures near and far! Anything is possible if you just imagine… Hello Kitty and her friends are letting their imaginations run wild–dreaming up rainy day adventures, inventing amazing machines and solving problems in the most inventive ways. When creativity and friendship combine, the possibilities are endless! And don’t miss Sarah Goodreau’s flights of fancy!

Hello Kitty Graphic Novel Series

1 book
chapter • 64 Pages
Hello Kitty: Just Imagine
#4 in Series
Graphic Nov.
20144Hello Kitty: Just ImagineJacob Chabot, Ian McGinty, Jorge Monlongo64

The Creatives Behind the Book

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