Book Series

Look Closer Books

In order from The Street Beneath My Feet to The Skies Above My Eyes
The Street Beneath My Feet
The Skies Above My Eyes
The Street Beneath My Feet
The Skies Above My Eyes
The Street Beneath My Feet
Around the Farm
picture • 20 Pages
The Street Beneath My Feet
Book #1

The Street Beneath My Feet

Written by Charlotte Guillain & illustrated by Yuval Zommer
5 - 8
Reading age
Page count
Mar 1, 2017
Publication date


This double-sided foldout book takes you on a fascinating journey deep underground. One side of the foldout shows the ground beneath the city, whilst the other side of the foldout shows the ground beneath the countryside. The scenes in the book, by the widely acclaimed illustrator Yuval Zommer, are continuous, so contrasting underground sections, from tunnels and pipes to burrowing creatures, layers of rock to the planet’s molten core, run seamlessly into the next. Mixing urban and rural settings, as well as Geology, Archaeology and Natural History, The Street Beneath My Feet offers children the opportunity to explore their world in a detailed learning experience. And its fold-out, ‘Laperello’ style, which extends to 2.5 metres in length, is great fun to spread out on the floor and really get involved!

Look Closer Series

Published from 2017 - 2018
3 books
picture • 20 Pages
The Street Beneath My Feet
Board Book
picture • 20 Pages
The Skies Above My Eyes
2017The Street Beneath My Feet20
2018Around the Farm14
2018The Skies Above My Eyes20

The Creatives Behind the Books

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