Book Series

Bottlenose Bay Books

Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers
Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers
Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers
Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers
Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers
Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers
picture • 32 Pages
Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers
#1 in Series
Book #1

Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers

Written by Jan Fearnley
3 - 7
Reading age
Page count
Jan 1, 2012
Publication date


Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers The first charming instalment of the Bottlenose Bay series from award-winning author/illustrator Jan Fearnley. Harry the harbour mouse is heartbroken when his boat is dashed and smashed on the dangerous, mean old rocks - the terrible Jaggedy Daggers! But just as the sea brings mischief, it brings surprises too . . . A story about being brave. Even if you are very small and have only a teacup and a rusty teaspoon. Jan Fearnley is the best-selling author of Mr Wolf’s Pancakes and Arthur and the Meanies. Her beautifully crafted picture books are terrific for sharing and make for popular bedtime stories.

Bottlenose Bay Series

1 book
picture • 32 Pages
Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers
20121Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers32

The Creative Behind the Book

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