Year | Title | Author | Illustrator | Pages |
2020 | What Can You See? At Night | Kate Ware | Maria Perera | 12 |
2022 | Puppy Dog, Puppy Dog, What Can You See? | Amelia Hepworth | Pintachan | 12 |
Amelia Hepworth lives in London with her family and two elderly sausage dogs. When she is not writing stories, she enjoys spending time with her little boy and daydreaming in the garden. Usually not at the same time.
Though Pintachan earned a degree in biology, his experience as an intern left a trail of explosions and toxic-vapor-induced faints, helping him decide to switch from test tubes to colors. Pintachan now works as a full-time illustrator of books, magazines, social campaigns, apps, packaging, kid stuff, prints and postcards, lettering and branding.