Book Series

Dear Dragon: Beginning-to-Read Book Books

In order from Dear Dragon Goes to the Firehouse to Who Feels Mad, Dear Dragon?
Dear Dragon Goes to the Firehouse
Dear Dragon Goes Camping
Who Feels Sad, Dear Dragon?
Who Feels Mad, Dear Dragon?
Dear Dragon Goes to the Firehouse
Dear Dragon Goes Camping
picture • 32 Pages
Dear Dragon Goes to the Firehouse
Book #1

Dear Dragon Goes to the Firehouse

Written by Margaret Hillert & illustrated by David Schimmell
6 - 6
Reading age
Page count
Aug 15, 2011
Publication date

Dear Dragon: Beginning-to-Read Book Series

Published from 2011 - 2017
4 books
picture • 32 Pages
Dear Dragon Goes to the Firehouse
picture • 32 Pages
Dear Dragon Goes Camping
picture • 32 Pages
Who Feels Sad, Dear Dragon?
Library Binding
picture • 34 Pages
Who Feels Mad, Dear Dragon?
Library Binding
2011Dear Dragon Goes to the FirehouseDavid Schimmell32
2011Dear Dragon Goes CampingDavid Schimmell32
2017Who Feels Sad, Dear Dragon?Jack Pullan32
2017Who Feels Mad, Dear Dragon?Jack Pullan34

The Creatives Behind the Books

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