Book Series

Grumpy Cat And Pokey Books

Grumpy Cat (And Pokey!)
Grumpy Cat (And Pokey!)
Grumpy Cat (And Pokey!)
Grumpy Cat (And Pokey!)
Grumpy Cat (And Pokey!)
chapter • 104 Pages
Grumpy Cat (And Pokey!)
Graphic Nov.
Book #1

Grumpy Cat (And Pokey!)

Written by Elliott Serrano Royal McGraw Ben Fisher , and Ben McCool
9 - 12
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Jul 26, 2016
Publication date


Grumpy Cat, the internet’s cutest curmudgeon, takes the world by storm with her comic book misadventures! You’ll laugh yourself silly at the killjoy kitten’s hilarious brand of sass, most often directed at her fun-loving, big-hearted brother Pokey. They’re two cats that are too adorable for words, one with a childlike wonder, and the other with a pout so prominent, you can’t help but to exclaim, “Awwwwww…!” What fun-loving escapades will Pokey dream up, and how will that adorable scamp Grumpy Cat rain on everyone’s parade?

Grumpy Cat And Pokey Series

1 book
chapter • 104 Pages
Grumpy Cat (And Pokey!)
Graphic Nov.
2016Grumpy Cat (And Pokey!)Elliott Serrano, Royal McGraw, Ben Fisher, Ben McCool104

The Creatives Behind the Book

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