Book Series

Diary o a Wimpy Wean Books

Diary o a Wimpy Wean (Graphic Novel)
Diary o a Wimpy Wean (Graphic Novel)
Diary o a Wimpy Wean (Graphic Novel)
Diary o a Wimpy Wean (Graphic Novel)
Diary o a Wimpy Wean (Graphic Novel)
chapter • 226 Pages
Diary o a Wimpy Wean (Graphic Novel)
#1 in Series
Graphic Nov.
Book #1

Diary o a Wimpy Wean (Graphic Novel)

Written by Jeff Kinney
9 - 12
Reading age
Page count
Jun 1, 2019
Publication date


Richt, afore ye say onythin: this is a JOURNAL, aye? No a diary. I ken fine whit it says on the front. But when ma Maw went doon the shops I SPECIALLY telt her tae get yin that didnae say “diary” on it. Well seen, eh. Aw I need noo is for some bampot tae spy me cairtin this book aboot and get the wrang end o the stick. The ither thing I want tae get oot the road straicht aff the bat is that this wis ma MAW’s idea, no mine. But she’s no richt in the heid if she thinks I’m aboot tae stairt writin awa aboot ma “feelins” or ony o that guff. In this Scots translation, 12 year old hero Greg Heffley tells us all about his life in gallus modern easy to read Scots. A great book in any language, Diary o a Wimpy Wean is packed with laughter, gags, disasters, daydreams, and plenty to keep young readers hooked until the very end.

Diary o a Wimpy Wean Series

1 book
chapter • 226 Pages
Diary o a Wimpy Wean (Graphic Novel)
#1 in Series
Graphic Nov.
20191Diary o a Wimpy Wean (Graphic Novel)226

The Creatives Behind the Book

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