Book Series

Lucía the Luchadora Books

Lucia the Luchadora and the Million Masks
Lucia the Luchadora and the Million Masks
Lucia the Luchadora and the Million Masks
Lucia the Luchadora and the Million Masks
Lucia the Luchadora and the Million Masks
Lucia the Luchadora and the Million Masks
Lucia the Luchadora and the Million Masks
picture • 32 Pages
Lucia the Luchadora and the Million Masks
Book #1

Lucia the Luchadora and the Million Masks

Written by Cynthia Leonor Garza & illustrated by Alyssa Bermudez
3 - 7
Reading age
Page count
Oct 2, 2018
Publication date


Lucía’s little sister Gemma wants to be a luchadora like her big sister, but she is more bumble and splat than pizzazz and seems to find trouble wherever she goes. When Gemma makes a ginormous hole in Lucía’s special silver mask, Lucía is incredulous and exasperated at how her little sister seems to get away with everything. But Lucía’s grandmother, Abu, has an idea: a trip to the mercado to get Gemma her very own lucha libre mask. There are so many masks to choose from, and Lucía can’t resist trying on masks and imagining all the new secret identities she could have if she had endless masks. When Lucía realizes she’s misplaced her special silver mask, a frantic search ensues with Gemma’s help. Lucía the Luchadora’s big heart is on display again in her latest adventure, where she learns that some things, including trouble making little sisters, are one of a kind.

Lucía the Luchadora Series

1 book
picture • 32 Pages
Lucia the Luchadora and the Million Masks
2018Lucia the Luchadora and the Million Masks32

The Creatives Behind the Book

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