Book Series

Yikes! Discovery Series Books

What Dwells in the Deep
What Dwells in the Deep
What Dwells in the Deep
What Dwells in the Deep
What Dwells in the Deep
What Dwells in the Deep
What Dwells in the Deep
picture • 24 Pages
What Dwells in the Deep
Book #1

What Dwells in the Deep

Written by Kelly Ward-Wills & illustrated by Steve James
3 - 5
Reading age
Page count
Dec 6, 2022
Publication date
Board Book


Deep-sea exploration can begin at even the earliest age . . . Let’s go deeper! What animals live in the deepest depths of the ocean? This book brings these rarely seen creatures–some that glow, some that hunt more than a mile below the surface, and one with eyes as big as your head!–to full-colour life, for little eyes and little hands to enjoy. A perfect first deep dive into the ocean to spark curiosity about the incredible creatures that share our planet.

Yikes! Discovery Series Series

1 book
picture • 24 Pages
What Dwells in the Deep
Board Book
2022What Dwells in the Deep24

The Creatives Behind the Book

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