Book Series

Rachel Bright Picture Books

In order from The Lion Inside to The Way Home for Wolf
The Lion Inside
The Koala Who Could
The Squirrels Who Squabbled
The Way Home for Wolf
The Lion Inside
The Koala Who Could
picture • 32 Pages
The Lion Inside
Book #1

The Lion Inside

Written by Rachel Bright & illustrated by Jim Field
4 - 8
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
May 31, 2016
Publication date


“That day they BOTH learned That, no matter your size, We all have a mouse AND a lion inside.” A mouse feels small and insecure and determines that what he needs to do is learn how to roar like a lion. He knows he has to act brave when he approaches a lion to learn how. In a hilarious turn of events, the lion is afraid of mice! The mouse comforts the lion, they become friends, and we learn that there’s a lion and a mouse inside all of us. The inspiring text by Rachel Bright and the fun, bold illustrations by Jim Field teach young readers an important lesson. Regardless of how big or mighty we are, we can all live our dreams and do what we want to do. Fans of Aesop’s “The Lion and the Mouse” will enjoy The Lion Inside!

Rachel Bright Picture Series

Published from 1960 - 2019
4 books
picture • 32 Pages
The Lion Inside
picture • 32 Pages
The Koala Who Could
picture • 32 Pages
The Squirrels Who Squabbled
picture • 32 Pages
The Way Home for Wolf
2016The Lion Inside32
2017The Koala Who Could32
1960The Squirrels Who Squabbled32
2019The Way Home for Wolf32

The Creatives Behind the Books

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