Book Series

Richard Jackson Books Books

In order from The Pirate of Kindergarten to Five Trucks
The Pirate of Kindergarten
Five Trucks
The Pirate of Kindergarten
Five Trucks
The Pirate of Kindergarten
Five Trucks
The Pirate of Kindergarten
picture • 40 Pages
The Pirate of Kindergarten
Book #1

The Pirate of Kindergarten

Written by George Ella Lyon & illustrated by Lynne Avril
4 - 8
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Jun 22, 2010
Publication date


Doubles are good for lots of things—double scoops of ice cream, double features at the movies. But double vision is NOT a good kind of double. In fact, it can make kindergarten kind of hard. Ginny sees double chairs at reading circle and double words in her books. She knows that only half of what she sees is real, but which half? The solution to her problem is wondrously simple: an eye patch! Ginny becomes the pirate of kindergarten.With the help of her pirate patch, Ginny can read, run, and even snip her scissors with double the speed! Vibrant illustrations from Lynne Avril capture the realities of what Ginny sees both before and after.

Richard Jackson Books Series

Published from 2010 - 2014
2 books
picture • 40 Pages
The Pirate of Kindergarten
picture • 32 Pages
Five Trucks
2010The Pirate of KindergartenGeorge Ella LyonLynne Avril40
2014Five TrucksBrian FlocaBrian Floca32

The Creatives Behind the Books

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