Book Series

Tales of Aotearoa Books

How Māui Slowed the Sun
How Māui Slowed the Sun
How Māui Slowed the Sun
How Māui Slowed the Sun
How Māui Slowed the Sun
How Māui Slowed the Sun
How Māui Slowed the Sun
How Māui Slowed the Sun
picture • 24 Pages
How Māui Slowed the Sun
Book #1

How Māui Slowed the Sun

Illustrated by Donovan Bixley
4 - 8
Reading age
Page count
Jan 1, 2020
Publication date


Donovan Bixley re-tells the story of Maui slowed the journey of the sun through the sky each day! The traditional tale but with Donovan’s unique twist and trademark humor. The pictures are bright and bring their own level of humor to the book. Darryn Joseph ensures that the story is accurate and culturally appropriate.

Tales of Aotearoa Series

1 book
picture • 24 Pages
How Māui Slowed the Sun
2020How Māui Slowed the Sun24

The Creative Behind the Book

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