Book Series

The Other Side of the Fable Books

In order from The Tortoise and the Hare, Narrated by the Silly But Truthful Tortoise to The Lion and the Mouse, Narrated by the Timid But Truthful Mouse
The Tortoise and the Hare, Narrated by the Silly But Truthful Tortoise
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
The Ants and the Grasshopper, Narrated by the Fanciful But Truthful Grasshopper
The Lion and the Mouse, Narrated by the Timid But Truthful Mouse
The Tortoise and the Hare, Narrated by the Silly But Truthful Tortoise
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
picture • 24 Pages
The Tortoise and the Hare, Narrated by the Silly But Truthful Tortoise
Book #1

The Tortoise and the Hare, Narrated by the Silly But Truthful Tortoise

Written by Nancy Loewen & illustrated by Russ Cox
4 - 8
Reading age
Page count
Words per page
Jan 1, 2019
Publication date
Library Binding


In this humorous retelling of the classic fable, the tortoise, Balderdash, describes how his race with Jiffy the Hare (who was actually pretty slow for a hare), launched his career as a comedian.

The Other Side of the Fable Series

Published from 2019 - 2019
4 books
picture • 24 Pages
The Tortoise and the Hare, Narrated by the Silly But Truthful Tortoise
Library Binding
picture • 24 Pages
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Library Binding
picture • 24 Pages
The Ants and the Grasshopper, Narrated by the Fanciful But Truthful Grasshopper
Library Binding
picture • 24 Pages
The Lion and the Mouse, Narrated by the Timid But Truthful Mouse
Library Binding
2019The Tortoise and the Hare, Narrated by the Silly But Truthful TortoiseRuss Cox24
2019The Boy Who Cried WolfJuan M. Moreno24
2019The Ants and the Grasshopper, Narrated by the Fanciful But Truthful GrasshopperCarles Arbat24
2019The Lion and the Mouse, Narrated by the Timid But Truthful MouseCristian Bernardini24

The Creatives Behind the Books

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