In a faraway land, a princess named Aurora lives in a castle, honing her enchantments amid a slumbering kingdom! When the princess was just a baby, a wicked fairy cursed the realm with unending sleep. But a kind fairy had her own spell to cast–she saved the newborn and granted the girl the gift of magic! Now, Aurora is the only one who can awaken her subjects by concocting a potion made up of the world’s rarest ingredients. Faced with strange places and fantastical creatures, can Aurora succeed in her epic quest, or will the kingdom–and she–be doomed to doze forever?
Alex Lopez is from Sabadell, Spain. He became a professional illustrator and comic-book artist in 2001, but he’s been drawing ever since he can remember. Lopez’s pieces have been published in many countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, Belgium, and Turkey. He’s also worked on a variety of projects from illustrated books to video games to marketing pieces.
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