A classic springtime tale from Margaret Wise Brown, the author of Goodnight Moon! This classic story follows a little bunny as it discovers a blue egg and begins to wonder about all the wonderful things that might be inside. With colorful illustrations from Caldecott Medalist Leonard Weisgard, and a playful and endearing text by the legendary Margaret Wise Brown, The Golden Egg Book is a perfect for the littlest of hands.
Margaret Wise Brown is one of the most popular children’s authors of all time; her classic Goodnight Moon (HarperFestival), illustrated by Clement Hurd, has sold more than 24 million copies, and her books—including Big Red Barn (Harper Festival), The Runaway Bunny (HarperCollins), and The Golden Egg Book (Simon & Schuster)—have been in print for over 50 years. Several generations have grown up with her timeless stories and her influence has been felt around the world. (Bio via Sterling Fall 2018 Catalog.)
Leonard Weisgard (1916-2000) was a beloved and award-winning illustrator of more than 200 children’s books, perhaps best known for his collaboration with the author Margaret Wise Brown. His books include The Little Island (for which he won the Caldecott Medal in 1947), The Golden Egg Book, and The Golden Bunny.
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