
Margaret Wise Brown


Margaret Wise Brown is one of the most popular children’s authors of all time; her classic Goodnight Moon (HarperFestival), illustrated by Clement Hurd, has sold more than 24 million copies, and her books—including Big Red Barn (Harper Festival), The Runaway Bunny (HarperCollins), and The Golden Egg Book (Simon & Schuster)—have been in print for over 50 years. Several generations have grown up with her timeless stories and her influence has been felt around the world. (Bio via Sterling Fall 2018 Catalog.)

Goodnight Little One
Count to 10 with a Mouse
Goodnight Songs Treasury
Good Day, Good Night
A Long Time That I've Loved You
A Song for All Seasons
Be Brave, Little Tiger!
Sleep Tight, Sleepy Bears
Away in My Airplane
Nursery Rhyme Search and Find
A Celebration of the Seasons
A Home in the Barn

Most Popular Margaret Wise Brown Books

    board • 32 Pages
    Goodnight Moon
    Clement Hurd, Margaret Wise Brown
    board • 32 Pages
    Big Red Barn
    Margaret Wise Brown, Felicia Bond
    board • 34 Pages
    Goodnight Moon
    Margaret Wise Brown, Clement Hurd
    board • 24 Pages
    The Golden Egg Book
    Margaret Wise Brown, Leonard Weisgard
    board • 24 Pages
    Home for a Bunny
    Margaret Wise Brown, Garth Williams
    board • 36 Pages
    My World
    Margaret Wise Brown, Clement Hurd

Book Stats


All Margaret Wise Brown Books

2022Goodnight Little OneMargaret Wise BrownRebecca Elliot28
2020Count to 10 with a MouseMargaret Wise BrownKirsten Richards28
2019Goodnight Songs TreasuryMargaret Wise Brown64
2019Good Day, Good NightMargaret Wise BrownLoren Long34
2019A Long Time That I've Loved YouMargaret Wise BrownKaty Hudson32
2019A Song for All SeasonsMargaret Wise BrownCharlotte Cooke32
2019Be Brave, Little Tiger!Margaret Wise BrownJean Claude32
2019Sleep Tight, Sleepy BearsMargaret Wise BrownJulie Clay32
2019Away in My AirplaneMargaret Wise BrownHenry Fisher32
2019Nursery Rhyme Search and FindMargaret Wise BrownLisa Sheehan32
2018A Celebration of the SeasonsMargaret Wise Brown26
2018A Home in the BarnMargaret Wise BrownJerry Pinkney32
2017Goodnight SongsMargaret Wise Brown26
2017Goodnight MoonMargaret Wise BrownClement Hurd34
2017North, South, East, WestMargaret Wise BrownGreg Pizzoli38
2017The Runaway BunnyMargaret Wise BrownClement Hurd48
2017The Whispering RabbitMargaret Wise BrownAnnie Won24
2016Sleepy ABCMargaret Wise BrownKaren Katz32
2016The Dead BirdMargaret Wise BrownChristian Robinson32
2015The Golden Egg BookMargaret Wise BrownLeonard Weisgard24
2014I Like FishMargaret Wise BrownG. Brian Karas24
2013Around the World We GoMargaret Wise Brown15
2012Home for a BunnyMargaret Wise BrownGarth Williams24
2010The Fathers Are Coming HomeMargaret Wise BrownStephen Savage32
2009A Child's Good Morning BookMargaret Wise BrownKaren Katz32
2007Christmas in the BarnMargaret Wise BrownDiane Goode32
2005The Little Fir TreeMargaret Wise BrownJim LaMarche32
2005Little Fur Family Board BookMargaret Wise BrownGarth Williams28
2004Where Have You Been?Margaret Wise BrownLeo and Diane Dillon32
2003The Little IslandMargaret Wise BrownLeonard Weisgard48
2003The Color KittensMargaret Wise BrownAlice ProvensenMartin Provensen24
2003Sheep Don't Count SheepMargaret Wise BrownBenrei Huang32
2003My WorldMargaret Wise BrownClement Hurd36
2002Buenas noches, LunaMargaret Wise BrownClement Hurd34
2001Two Little TrainsMargaret Wise BrownLeo and Diane Dillon32
2001The Sailor DogMargaret Wise BrownGarth Williams24
1999Another Important BookMargaret Wise BrownChris Raschka32
1999I Like BugsMargaret Wise BrownG. Brian Karas32
1999The Important BookMargaret Wise BrownLeonard Weisgard24
1998The DiggersMargaret Wise BrownDaniel Kirk24
1998The Little Scarecrow BoyMargaret Wise BrownDavid Diaz40
1995Big Red BarnMargaret Wise BrownFelicia Bond32
1994Red Light, Green LightMargaret Wise Brown40
1991Goodnight MoonClement Hurd, Margaret Wise Brown32
1989Wait Till the Moon Is FullMargaret Wise BrownGarth Williams36
1989Baby AnimalsMargaret Wise BrownSusan Jeffers28
1977When the Wind BlewMargaret Wise Brown30


Clement Hurd
Felicia Bond
Leonard Weisgard
Garth Williams
Alice Provensen
Martin Provensen
G. Brian Karas
Jerry Pinkney
Christian Robinson
Annie Won
Rebecca Elliot
Loren Long
Henry Fisher
Kirsten Richards
Greg Pizzoli
Diane Goode
David Diaz
Katy Hudson
Jim LaMarche
Lisa Sheehan
Karen Katz
Julie Clay
Daniel Kirk
Leo and Diane Dillon
Chris Raschka
Jean Claude
Stephen Savage
Charlotte Cooke
Susan Jeffers
Benrei Huang


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