Drawing on the familiar childhood tongue twister, The Life and times of Fuzzy Wuzzy imagines the furless bear behind the popular rhyme. Though lacking in hair, Fuzzy Wuzzy is bountiful in many redeeming qualities. He enjoys traveling with his wife and seeks out delicious food. He spends time playing with his cub, protects smaller animals, and shares what he has. He also enjoys the simple pleasures around him—the starry sky, his warm cave, and belting out his favorite song. Together, these many enriching experiences lead, even if not in the literal sense, to a “glorious fuzzy life.” Sidell brings to life a fun, full character for the familiar yet confusingly oxymoronic hairless, fuzzy bear. While the first rhyming couplet of each page trips off the tongue—“Fuzzy had a long long life / that he spent with his fuzzy wife,” and “Fuzzy was the greatest dad / showing love to his fuzzy lad”—Sidell’s unique three line rhyme scheme may interrupt a smooth read aloud the first time through. Kozhevnikova’s illustration work is fantastic as she manages to be true to Fuzzy Wuzzy’s hairless state yet still create a warm, endearing character, and her tender spreads depicting sweet moments serving others and playing with family feature lovely foliage and lighting. Readers will enjoy both the opportunity to finally meet the mysterious Fuzzy Wuzzy and the lesson he embodies that one need not be normal or typical to live a happy, “fuzzy” life.
Craig Sidell is a father of five wonderful children, living in the fuzziest city in the world, New York City. There with his amazing wife, his family explores the vibrant city around them and feasts on the best vegan food in the world.
Evgeniya Kozhevnikova is a talented young Russian artist from Tomsk in Siberia. Evgeniya has illustrated many children’s books and painted numerous watercolors, among other things. In the fall of 2017, the Museum of Art in Tomsk organized a solo exhibition of Evgeniya’s watercolor paintings.
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