The Night of His Birth
The Night of His Birth

The Night of His Birth

Written by Katherine Paterson & illustrated by Lisa Aisato
4 - 7
Reading age
Page count
Sep 17, 2019
Publication date

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What Does Bookroo Think of This Book

A beautiful, stirring, original reflection on the Nativity that speaks to the experience of motherhood.

The opening and closing phrase of “Sing out, my soul, the wonder . . .” captures the essence of the book and its message succinctly and poignantly. Together, Patterson and Aisato work in seamless harmony to tell the story of the Nativity in an original and stirring way that speaks specifically to Mary’s predicament as well as the joy and wonder that any mother may feel as she gazes at her newborn child and marvels at the miracle that is that tiny life. Told from Mary’s perspective, in poetic text the story reads between the lines of the biblical account to explore the feelings of Mary’s parents—heartbroken and unbelieving— Joseph—doubtful then doting—the shepherds—”dazed”— and Mary herself, reminding readers of their humanity in both text and illustration. Aisato’s illustrations, rich in color and emotion, feel authentic, simultaneously raw and down to earth, with just a touch of the idyllic and imaginative as blossoming flowers envelope a smiling Mary as she cradles the baby Jesus.

What Kind of Book is The Night of His Birth


the NativityJesus ChristholidaysChristmas


Where Does This Book Stand Out

  • Illustration

    The “Illustration” badge is awarded to books with exceptional illustrations.

  • Heartstrings

    The “Heartstrings” badge is awarded to books that provoke an exceptionally tender emotional response.


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Book Details

Publication Date
September 17, 2019
Flyaway Books
Page Count
Reading Age
4 - 7 years
Lib. of Congress (LCCN)

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